Saturday, February 25, 2006

Saturday night sleeper

***We are going on an adult-style outing tonight, all the way up to the Land of Ports for dinner at J's friend's house. (He has friends.)

***Did you know that babies like to be swaddled up in blankets with their arms down to their sides? No kidding, we wrap him up just like all the baby books instruct and he's out like we've thrown a switch. We even have a pre-made blanket for it with a pocket for his feet and velcro that holds it together. The spell is only broken when he wrenches his arms free and whaps himself in the face with them when some baby reflex causes him to pinwheel them about. I have seriously thought about designing a little baby straight-jacket so he'll stay all cozy longer. Is that so wrong?

***Lately, and maybe always, I'm pretty sure I haven't done anything to please God, but just to make myself feel like a good person. Which has ultimately made me feel like a vacuous person.

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