Tuesday, August 08, 2006


We had a great time with the family out in Kalispell. Did I mention there were close to thirty all gathered up in one place? I do believe that is the noisiest bunch of people I've ever been related to all at once.

There were two sets of five-child families, and there aren't even Mormons in the fold anymore. No wonder J's sister, mom and dad have at times appeared to have lost their inside voices and J himself has adopted the steam-roller method of debate; it's a matter of sheer exuberance and practicality. From the first night I believe Toby decided he had found the mother ship, because he flirted and squeeled and giggled with the best of them, then slept from 9pm-10:30am with only one snack at 6.

J's mom still managed to find some time for good conversations about God and what to do with Him in everyday life. I told her some of my concerns about this new church we're attending- Imago Dei. Here's the thing: we love the pastor, but have not really managed to feel much connection there yet. I'm trying to decide if it's too hip, mono-demographic (20-30's) and clique-ey for us or if it's because we have been lazy and stubborn about joining in on much.

All of it IS harder with a kid. I want to play in worship bands with J just like the good old days but the last time I checked, Toby's not ready to run the sound board without chewing on the cables while we rehearse. There are other groups to join, but we are stubborn about committing to weeknights because there are those days where we are both out of words and devoid of energy by 7pm.

I'm just being dumb, huh. We've had a busy summer and missed a bunch of sermons and suddenly we're like- hey, didn't we used to have a church? Weren't we Christians back then?

Obviously, it's a problem with our church.

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