Tuesday, May 10, 2005

How many roads can a man walk down?

Many, apparently.

One goes to NYC, with running around the reservoir & watching Orpheus Chamber Orchestra rehearsals (not to mention concerts), & just walking down the street has the potential to expand your mind.

Another goes to a small college in Portland with a law school opening. Turns out most profs have either got one of the top 5 schools on their resume or they have an LLM (the degree he's considering), but they might just look at his incredible experience and see what a fab prof he'd be.

A new one goes to a firm in Portland that sounds too good to be true... prayer would be great on that, internet.

Along all of these roads runs a nice little grassy path called FUTURE POSSIBLE IMPENDING PARENTHOOD. We'd like it to line up so that exactly about this time next year, the world would be a-changing.

Yep, many. We'll keep you posted...

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